Recognizing in Sports the privileged means for the adoption of individual and collective healthy living habits, the Municipality is committed to the promotion of infrastructure conditions and the creation of opportunities in order to encourage Braga citizens for its regular practice, contributing to their physical and emotional well-being.
Increasing the quality of sports practices and diversifying the sports offer are the major challenges of the Municipality, which has the fundamental support of the Associations from the Municipality.
See in detail each of the following equipments:
- Braga Aerodrome
- 1º de Maio Stadium
- Braga Municipal Stadium
- 1º de Maio Athletics Track
- Flávio Sá Leite Pavilion
- Complexo Desportivo da Ponte (Sports Complex)
- Piscinas da Ponte (Swimming Pools)
- Complexo Desportivo da Rodovia (Sports Complex)
- Cyclable Pedestrian Way
- Tennis Courts
Get to know some sports projects promoted by the Municipality